(Group on Remote sensing, Ocean and Water resources)
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Bombay


Prof. Sivakumar Bellie
Research Interest
Level 1: I apply mathematical techniques to study water resources engineering problems
Level 2: I develop hydrologic models for water resources assessment, planning, and management
Level 3: My research focuses on simplification and generalization in hydrologic modeling, especially using nonlinear dynamic and scaling theories.

Prof. V Jothiprakash
Research Interest
Water Resources Systems Analysis: Reservoir Operation, Policy Issues, Multi-objective Analysis, Conventional As Well As Soft Computing Optimization Techniques, Basin Wise Water Resources Estimation. Stochastic Hydrological Modeling: Reservoir Sedimentation. Rain Water Harvesting: Airport And Road Side Storm Water Drainage System. Water Supply And Sewerage Systems: Irrigation Water Management. Genetic Algorithms And Genetic Programming: Artificial Neural Networks. Single Site And Multi Site Reservoir Inflow Prediction, Rainfall-runoff Modeling, Meteorological Parameter Prediction. Non-linear Dynamic Analysis Using Chaos Theory: Chaotic Analysis Of Rainfall, Runoff, Meteorological Parameters Catchment Classification Using Chaotic Analysis. Singular Spectrum Analysis: Single Variate And Multi Variate Time Series Analysis.

Prof. M Janga Reddy
Research Interest
Evolutionary Algorithms For WRS Optimization; Reservoir Operation, Water Supply Systems; Surface Water Hydrology And Watershed Management; Statistical Modeling And Forecasting, Risk Analysis Of Floods And Droughts; Copulas For Uncertainty Modeling; Applications Of Softcomputing Techniques In WRM; Impacts Of Climate Change On Water Resources And Agriculture.

Prof. Subimal Ghosh
Research Interest
Hydro-climatology : Regional Modeling And Understanding Of Indian Monsoon; Statistical Downscaling; Atmosphere- Land Surface Interactions; Climate Change Projections And Impacts Assessment; Seasonal And Sub-seasonal Prediction Of Monsoon; Hydro-climatic Extremes; Hydrology : Meso-scale Hydrologic Modeling; Uncertainty Modeling; Eco-hydrology.

Prof. Arpita Mondal
Research Interest
Detection, Attribution And Impact Of Climate Change, Spatio-Temporal Modeling Of Hydroclimatic Extremes, Regionalization And Frequency Analysis Of Floods And Droughts, Risk Assessment Under Non-stationarity, Urban Flooding, Hydrologic Statistics And Machine Learning, Uncertainty Modeling.