(Group on Remote sensing, Ocean and Water resources)
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Bombay

We invite applications for faculty positions at all levels from outstanding candidates as per the details available at faculty recruitment page. Applications from the renowned academicians of reputed institutions for short duration visiting positions are also welcome.
Post Doctoral Fellowship
We welcome applications from scholars who have done some outstanding work in their doctoral program for a PDF position. Interested scholars should first contact the prospective mentoring faculty for initiating their application process.
Please follow the link for further details of process. Click here
Ph.D. Admissions
The Water Group of the Civil Engineering Dept. offers Ph.D. in the following specializations:
Water Resources Engineering
Remote Sensing
Ocean Engineering
In the application for admission, prospective students should specify the research area in which they are interested to work during their doctoral study. They are also advised to interact with prospective research supervisor(s) at the department and prepare research proposal(s) before they appear for the written test/interviews for admission.
Check the IITB Ph.D. Admission page for application materials, application deadlines and advertisement seeking application from prospective candidates.
For details on admission requirements, admission procedure, categories, Ph.D. program requirements, fees etc., please see the IITB Ph.D. Information Brochure.
M.Tech. Admissions
The Water Group of the Civil Engineering Dept. offers Ph.D. in the following specializations:
Water Resources Engineering
Remote Sensing
Ocean Engineering
In the application for admission, prospective students should specify the specialization(s) in which they are interested to pursue their master's degree.
For details on admission requirements, admission procedure, categories, M.Tech. program requirements, fees etc., please see the IITB M.Tech. Information Brochure.
Check the IITB Postgraduate Admission page for application materials, application deadlines and advertisement seeking application from prospective candidates.
Information on the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) can be found at the GATE office webpage.